Cosmetology Student Success Story: Damaris Fields

Our Everett campus recognized Ms. Damaris Fields this past month for going above and beyond in building her brand name. I am excited to share this young lady’s journey with you, as it wasn’t easy for her to get to this point. Now that she is here, she is determined to give back and touch the lives of as many as she can.

 About Damaris Fields

We started off by asking Damaris a little bit about her and what brought her into this industry,  “I chose to do Cosmetology school because I have always been passionate about beauty. I believe that everyone has inner and outer beauty and it is my goal to help people feel truly beautiful from the inside out, by making them feel special from the moment they sit in my chair to the moment that they leave the salon. Seeing a beautiful transformation and the reaction afterwards is so exciting! For me it is all about helping people feel and look beautiful but it wasn’t any easy journey getting to beauty school. I never imagined I would get the opportunity to pursue this beautiful dream of mine,” shares Damaris.

“I graduated high school at the age of seventeen and went straight to college; out of state, to pursue a degree in music. I became very ill which returned me home weeks into my second semester. I was bed ridden, only leaving home to go to the hospital and doctor’s appointments for about a year. I have been battling chronic illness since then which left me weak and unable to get back to pursuing my music degree out of state. Thankfully, I have wonderful supportive parents, family, and friends. They have taken care of me, supported me, and encouraged me through those long months. They wouldn’t let me give up on my dreams. During all that time being home ridden I developed a great love and passion for beauty. I would spend countless hours watching hair and makeup videos and trying the looks out on myself, my sister, and my friends. I have also had the privilege and honor of doing hair and makeup for a couple brides on their weddings days and for special events. Being able to express my creativity in this way was my light during a dark time. It brought me so much joy and truly has been healing during my sickness. I have been blessed and have been given so much. My hope is to spread some of that love and light to others in anyway I can,” Damaris shares humbly.

“One of the reasons I chose to attend Evergreen Beauty College was because of the culture I experienced. I did the makeup artistry program here in February of 2017. During that time, I felt like part of the family. I did not have to think twice about what school to choose when I decided to pursue my cosmetology license. I knew my Evergreen family would welcome me back with open arms. From the moment you step in the lobby doors until the moment you leave, you feel welcome and at home. There is no place I would rather receive my cosmetology education then here at Evergreen Beauty College,” stated Damaris.

The Evergreen Experience

Since starting the cosmetology program with us Ms. Damaris has shared some of her highlights of what she has enjoyed, what has helped her so far and what sets her apart from other cosmetologist:

“I enjoy so many different things about the cosmetology program here, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would be color. I absolutely love doing hair color. It’s definitely a process and it takes time but the end results are worth it. The anticipation I feel waiting to see the end result gives me a thrill and knowing I created that transformation gives me an amazing feeling! I have also found that I learn the best from hands-on assignments or projects. Since I am a visual learner, it helps me so much to see and implement various techniques. Seeing a demonstration and then being able to replicate it makes it click. So on the other hand, I’ve had to learn other ways to help retain and understand the theory; such as taking notes.”

“Only being a few months into my program, I still have so much to learn and improve on. As for strengths, I would say I am still open and optimistic to all areas. I can say that I enjoy the learning environment Evergreen Beauty College has created. We have amazing teachers, staff, and students. I genuinely look forward to going to school and learning something new each day. The school feels like one big team! There is always someone willing to give you help or advice when you need it which I really appreciate. Since I am still relatively new to cosmetology, I’m still figuring out my strengths. Being that I genuinely love people, I would say my strength is customer service. I enjoy getting to know my clients, returning and new. Listening to and learning about them while I do their hair or makeup has been such a pleasure. Having the opportunity to be there for others in that way is one of the best parts about cosmetology.”

“I can also offer my clients a one of a kind experience. I truly care about each person that comes to see me. My goal is to help others achieve the most beautiful version of themselves so I go above and beyond to help them reach their hair and makeup goals. I do my best to help each person leave feeling refreshed and relaxed. I want my clients to enjoy their whole experience and look forward to their next appointment with me,” said Damaris.

 The Next Step

Although Damaris is a few months into her program she looks to the future and where it will lead. “After I graduate, I want to go straight into the beauty industry. I believe that education doesn’t end when you finish school. I know I will continue learning and growing once I graduate. It would be great to work in a positive salon environment with a team of driven hairstylists in which I can learn from and continue to build my skills. Eventually, I would like to work on my own and maybe have my own business doing bridal and special event hair and makeup. The possibilities are truly endless!” confides Damaris.

We asked Damaris what advice she would share to any incoming students and she responds with, “My advice for incoming students would be to find your passion and pursue it. Give your best everyday. Be committed and determined in your work. Make goals and work hard to achieve those goals. You will never know what you are capable of achieving and accomplishing until you take those steps. Follow your dreams and enjoy the journey. It’s never too late to start!”

Ms. Damaris graduates this next year, October 2019 and what better way to support her other than to stop in and see her at our Everett campus! And if you are interested in continuing to follow Damaris throughout her cosmetology program, you can check her out on Instagram: @damarislaurenbeauty . Congrats Ms. Damaris, Evergreen hopes your journey is one in which you share the passion with many and all who are graced with your positive presence. We can not wait to see where the road takes you!

If you are interested in pursuing a career in the beauty industry take the Beauty Biz Readiness Quiz, you can also check out our programs or contact us at one of our five locations: Everett, Renton, Shoreline, Yakima, and Mt. Vernon.



Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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