Why a “People Person” Makes a Great Nail Technician

beauty collegeMany careers do not require you to be a “people safe sustanon 250 dose person” — though it is always helpful!

However, for more interesting and fulfilling careers like service, nursing, and work as a nail technician, it is important to enjoy working with people. Since these careers all require direct one-to-one contact with the client, enjoying the company of other people, and having a natural charisma with all clients, means that everyone will have a positive and beneficial experience.

You Will See Many Clients Throughout the Day

While your typical nine-to-five job will have you seeing the same small group of co-workers everyday, it is vastly different working as a nail technician. On busy days, you might see upwards of 10 clients. And if you’re working five days a week, that is a whopping fifty people. Some of these faces will be familiar; others will be completely new clients. Because you’ll see so many different people throughout your workday, you’ll need to be a people person to enjoy this work environment and keep your energy up, while maintaining a professional demeanor.

Your Clients Will Come to You as a Friend and Confidante

When you have worked with your clients a while and developed a rapport with them, they’ll begin to open up and treat you as one of their friends. When you develop a bond with your client, you will each be able to self-disclose to learn more about each other. This is great because you will have them coming back for more, and you will develop enriching friendships that will make for an enjoyable time at work as you gab about the latest entertainment gossip, or relationship statuses, and more…

In fact, Jackie Melendez Embroz told NailPro: “When I was sick with breast cancer 5 years ago, it was so amazing to see all my clients be there for me as I have been to them. In this world loyalty, people who trust you, and having a job you enjoy can be so very challenging. Going to work knowing I survived and had the opportunity to give back makes me happy I picked my profession. I truly love what I do!”

It’s Just More Fun that Way!

It comes down to basic math. You will be working with lots of people everyday, so you’ve got to love people to love what you do! Having empathy and helping people realize their best selves with aesthetic improvements — like the most unique gel manicure out there — makes the whole experience worth it. You’ll get to hear new and interesting stories, meet new people, and have fun while doing your job. What could be better than that?

Get Started on Your Career as a Nail Technician

Make the most of your people skills by studying to become a nail technician. We at Evergreen Beauty College can help. Our Nail Tech Program is 600 hours and it can get completed easily in about 5 months. Just imagine under 1 year of school, you can start a brand new career in the beauty industry.

Learn more about our nail technician course, and either schedule a tour or apply online to upgrade your skills and reach your full potential!

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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